蘇州天湖機械自動化設備科技有限公司,從事于各輸送機,鏈板線,提升機,懸掛線及種機器人及智能裝備、智能沖壓、自動化專機、非標自動化測試設備、各類產品自動組裝機、測試治具設計開發和制造,也從事太陽能光伏的裝機,同時也從事于石墨烯的提純和其設備的設計及制造;公司主要開發設計非標設備的有:彈片(鍋仔片)自動組裝機壓鑄周邊設備:噴霧頭,噴霧機,機器人夾爪,廣告垃圾箱;移動機械手臂,金屬彈片(鍋仔片)自動組裝機、立式去毛刺機、臥式去毛刺機、頂針澆口去毛刺機、全自動旋轉沖床、全自動旋轉壓機、全自動旋轉組裝機,自動旋轉測試機,手機按鍵荷重(彈力)測試設備、汽車方向盤測試設備、 CCD檢測設備,除水設備、自動化組裝測試線、輔助機械手設備等!產品涉及的還有 耐高溫、超耐磨零部件和材料及透氣防水零部件和材料 ; 本公司生產的 LED 閃光杯墊系列產品出口到美國,日本,加拿大,西班牙等 !
Brief introduction of company
Suzhou Tianhu mechanical automatic equipment and scientific Co., Ltd., engaged in the designing, development and production of a variety of automatic special machines, equipment for non-standard automatic testing and all kinds of smelting instruments for assembling and testing. It mainly develops equipment for testing weight mobile phone keypad ,can stretch, the car steering wheel , CCD camera, visual presses, CCD drilling machines, optical mouse,eliminating water equipment, automated setting test line, auxiliary manipulator equipment, tin Linear cutting machine, and so on. Moreover, our company also produces heat-resistant, wear-resistant and super-breathable waterproof materials and parts. It exports a series of LED flashlight back to the United States, Japan, Canada, Spain and some other countries. The company, with rich strength and a large number of high-quality professionals, offers other foreign-funded enterprises a through-train service like designing, producing, installation of a variety of automatic special machines, including automated assembly line for the whole factory, various transmission lines, roller conveying machines, lifts, ultrasonic cleaning machines , non-standard automatic testing equipment and all kinds of smelting instruments for assembling and testing.
Copyright © 2018 蘇州天湖機械自動化設備科技有限公司 All Right Received 訪問量:
蘇州市平江區合興路8號 服務熱線:0512-69211699 手機號碼:13862166392(楊先生)
電子郵箱:suzhoutianhu@126.com 蘇ICP備15029398號-1 技術支持:菲爾斯網絡